Thursday, June 30, 2011

Your Investment Portfolio: Spring 2011's Gainers

The Spring 2011 anime season is just about over!
Go directly to Go! Collect what's left of your sanity!

Let's face it—being an anime fan this season meant that huge investments in time had to be made. Perhaps you've spent a little coin for a premium membership at Crunchyroll. In all likelihood, you've even invested sleep to watch some of the shows (since there were a lot of them). However, just how much of that investment has actually paid off? What shows out there were worth their weight in Perica?

It's about time that we get in contact with our bookie broker to see what shows have been wise investments this season and which will be wiser investments in the long run. We're going to run with this whole "Bank of Otaku" motif and discuss which shows improved over the season and which shows were dreadfully bad to the point of Chapter 11.

Part 1: Spring's biggest gainers!
Part 2: Spring's biggest losers!
Part 3: Spring's incomplete deals!
Part 4: Spring's bankruptcies!
Part 5: Spring's best investments!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Best Opening Themes of Spring 2011

Yes, this is part of the promo video for Maria Holic Alive's "Runrunriru Ranranrara".
Where will it rank?

With the end of another (crowded) anime season upon us, finally just about everything can be put into place. Most shows are ending, but some have another season to go, complete with changes to the opening and ending songs and animation, so it's about time AniMaybe gets to ranking these things! The ending themes have been compiled and ranked before, but the sheer number of opening themes makes their ranking a bit more complex. Here are the Top 25 Opening Themes for the Spring 2011 anime season (along with what we felt had to be the worst).

(Once again, all of the CD images are straight from the CD Japan website.)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Best Ending Themes of Spring 2011

The Pillows, "Comic Sonic". Where do they sit in the rankings?

With all of the shows this spring, it's pretty amazing to see all of the opening and ending themes competing for recognition. Usually, I tend to consider the opening themes to be more structurally sound and a better catch of the eye, but this season's ending themes are nothing to sneeze at themselves. While I will be reviewing the best opening themes later on, here are the twenty ending themes that I feel totally outshine the others.

(All of the CD images are straight from the CD Japan website.)